Saturday, July 5, 2008

T-shirt quilt for my Pop!

*Please note, my blog address has changed. If you are reading this, please update all of your bookmarks and subscriptions to my new blog's address. This blog will soon be shut down. Thanks!

It's done!

I pieced the top at RIM and now it is officially quilted and bound!

The shirts came from my dad's closet. He's got a bit of everything in there, including his army patches/insignias. I even put a functioning pocket from his Walgreens smock at the perfect height for a remote.

He was speechless when I revealed it to him. He said he had no idea what a tshirt quilt was but he loves it. He was especially glad that he has his army patches back in his everyday life. Emily asked Pop-Pop how he earned so many "merit badges". He got a chuckle out of that one.

I used a very lightweight non-woven fusible interfacing on the t-shirts and it went together FAST. Each block is 14" finished- 'cause my daddy's an XL kinda guy!

The quilt is now at the quilt shop up the road where I'll be teaching the tshirt quilt class in a couple of weeks. I'm getting excited!

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