Monday, July 14, 2008

Debbie's Friendship Quilt

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Debbie's Friendship Quilt came off the frame this weekend.

I'm really happy with it! She made this quilt for a friend, and let me tell you, that is one lucky friend!

I did some curvy whirlwinds in the blocks formed by the horizontal and vertical lines. I put a flower star in the square on square blocks.

The border was done with a branched scroll motif and repeats of the flower star in the cornerstones.

Debbie gave me the green light to do this one custom and it really brought the pattern to a whole new level.

I know Debbie will LOVE it!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Jubilee Tree

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I got another top done!
The center of the quilt is a panel called "Jubilee Tree" by Clothworks. I adapted a pattern distributed by the manufacturer which was going to be difficult to reproduce consistently and, therefore, difficult to teach.

I'll be teaching this top as a class in September. It will be a great lesson in applying and modifying borders to fit any space.

I picked up the backing fabric and batting today. I'll be putting it on the frame right after Debbie's Crystals.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

T-shirt quilt for my Pop!

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It's done!

I pieced the top at RIM and now it is officially quilted and bound!

The shirts came from my dad's closet. He's got a bit of everything in there, including his army patches/insignias. I even put a functioning pocket from his Walgreens smock at the perfect height for a remote.

He was speechless when I revealed it to him. He said he had no idea what a tshirt quilt was but he loves it. He was especially glad that he has his army patches back in his everyday life. Emily asked Pop-Pop how he earned so many "merit badges". He got a chuckle out of that one.

I used a very lightweight non-woven fusible interfacing on the t-shirts and it went together FAST. Each block is 14" finished- 'cause my daddy's an XL kinda guy!

The quilt is now at the quilt shop up the road where I'll be teaching the tshirt quilt class in a couple of weeks. I'm getting excited!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Debbie's Crystals

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Debbie's beauty is up next on the frame. Isn't it modern and delicious? The high contrast really works.

I'm working on some design ideas. I want to highlight the circle forming behind the vertical and horizontal lines. This quilt reminds me of ice crystals!

When I start designing a quilting approach for my client's quilts, I like to use my tablet to draw on the image. I use it to visualize my ideas and, more times than not, I come up with motifs that I couldn't have dreamed without the trial and error. I use Adobe Photoshop but any paint program would work.

In this case, I kept seeing circles behind the horizontal and vertical lines. I wanted a motif that would give motion and action to the top. Plus, this top has such a modern feel that I could let my imagination fly.

Here's what I've come up with so far.

What do you think? I've sent it to my client, Debbie, and I'm looking forward to hearing her opinion.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm a teaching again!

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I homeschooled my kidlets through second grade and we all had a ball. They learned so much. I learned so much. It was a tremendous blessing to have that time with them to focus on nurturing their love of learning.

When our homeschool journey came to an end, I was sad. I had learned that I was actually a pretty good teacher and that I actually loved to teach.

The good news is that I've found a way to blend my love of teaching with my passion for quilting. I'll soon be teaching at a new local quilt shop, Sew Vintage on Shelbyville Road.

The first class I'm teaching is a beginning piecing class. We'll be making this table runner in the class. The three blocks it has contain most of the major building blocks of quilt making and it should give the students a good introduction into the "how to" of piecing.

I'm really excited about this new venture and thrilled that I get students yet again. Only this time they already know how to read and write!

GooseyGirl has been dressing up Yogi for photographs. She took this one and entitled it, "Cat in a Snowstorm". He looks thrilled, doesn't he?

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

BirdMan proves boys can quilt!

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BirdMan, one of my 9 year old triplets, took a spin on the longarm and finished the quilting on his Christmas lap quilt.

He pieced this quilt in April of 2006. At that time he told me he wanted the backing to be flannel and gave me the mandate to purchase backing fabric for him. Well, It took two years but I finally did it!
Life sort of got in the way over the last two years. It is amazing to me to think about how drastically our world has changed in the time it took to get his quilt finished.

He will be entering it in the Ky State Fair junior division this year but he said he wants a label that clearly states he would have finished this quilt a LONG time ago of mommy had just gotten herself together.

He really did a good job, didn't run over any pins and even had fun!